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My Story

Welcome to the "Let's talk about me" section! ;) 


I’m a Coach, trained and certified in the Activation™ Method/ Strategic Intervention style of coaching as taught by the amazing Mark and Magali Peysha. (You may know them from their work with Tony Robbins.)

I'm proud to use their proven techniques and strategies to create transformation in my client's lives.


I work with men and women who are ready to take their long-deferred goals and turn them into reality using powerful, proven tools . My clients are quickly able to create Life, Spirit, and Business alignment.  


For 20+ years, I made stuff happen as a Designer and High-Level Professional in the gift and retail industry. I've managed teams and timelines. I believe in potential.

I've coaxed and nurtured and prodded beautiful things into reality ... from the glimmer of an idea to a final product using available, creative resources.


That's exactly how I work with my clients to reach their desired outcome. Together we make beautiful things happen. 


You already know SOMETHING needs to change. 

Sometimes we just have to take that leap of faith to become what we're meant to be. You don't have to feel stuck any more!


 I'm committed to women and men finally giving themselves the attention that it takes to really create the lives they want.  

Be an example for your loved ones.

I believe in you.


Welcome. I'm Linda Mordan, Coach, Motivator, Artist & Yoga Instructor. 

(I've also been letting my grey hair grow in, so don't let that surprise you when we meet online!) 

That sense of  dissatisfaction you feel is your heart telling you it's time for a change.  

My Mission

Certified Activation™ Method Coaches work with clients to create the changes in their lives that will bring them closer to their heart's desires. ​

I understand that inner feeling that something is out of whack; there's a lack of excitement; there's more to life than the way I'm currently living. This is true for men and women.

We all reach a point where we wonder "What's next? "

You're not alone.

There is help and hope to be found within yourself! And here's the SUPER good don't have to burn the house down to create this change. Let's make it fun instead.

Let's Connect

Phone: (1) 913-735-7502

  • Linda Mordan Coaching, LLC.
  • Linda Mordan Official
  • Linda Mordan Coach

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